Untreated Hearing Loss and Dementia
We know active lifestyles, reading, and exercising can help combat
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids: In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released its proposal to allow certain hearing aids to be sold over-the-counter (OTC) without a prescription and without a hearing evaluation. The purpose of the bill was to increase access and lower the costs of getting hearing help. On August 17th, 2022, the FDA released its final language, so how does this affect you?
Many of today’s advanced digital hearing aids are BluetoothTM or wireless compatible, meaning they are able to connect wirelessly to various Bluetooth enabled devices and other audio devices such as cell phones, Ipods, and even your tv.
Most hearing aids with wireless capabilities are able to connect to landline phones, cell phones, TVs and MP3 players with a simple push a button on a streaming device. These streaming devices turn your hearing aids into a hands free headset, which comes in very handy while using a cell phone while driving.
Other benefits of hearing aids with BluetoothTM:
For more information on BluetoothTM hearing aids and wireless hearing aid solutions, feel free to call us here at Central Texas Hearing Center.
We know active lifestyles, reading, and exercising can help combat
A. A hearing aid telecoil (t-coil) is a small copper antenna inside some
Part I: Re-chargeables When a patient asks how we decide what hearing aid